September 7, 2023, 7:00 PM
Mr. Zion Lutheran Church, 500 Drake Street, Denver, CO
Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz
“Always Overestimating: Chronologies
of the Egyptians and Sumerians”
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A comparison of biblical chronology to the
chronologies of ancient Egypt and Sumer to
understand how and why pagans always make
the world’s history longer trhan it is, both in
ancient times and in our times.
About Rev. Dr. Koontz:
Rev. Dr. Adam C. Koontz is pastor and evangelist of
Trinity Lutheran Church, Denver, CO. He has pastored
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in Lititz, PA, and
planted Concordia Lutheran Mission in Myerstown, PA,
and he taught New Testament at Concordia
Theological Seminary in IN. He and his wife, Jen,
have eight children and live in Lakewood, CO.